MOU谅解备忘录或(Memorandum Of Understanding)是由泰国与缅甸、柬埔寨、老挝、越南各国代表签署并确认的劳工跨国引进协议。该协议备忘录在泰国具有法律效力,引进劳工根据劳动法在泰国合法工作,并可获得2年的工作许可证(E-Work Permit),可续期2年,共计4年。雇主可以多次续签劳动合同。每4年可重新进入该系统,直到外籍劳务年满55岁。

  • 泰缅劳务合作谅解备忘录(MOU)及劳资协议(Agreement)
  • 明确禁止外籍劳务从事的工作。
  • 根据MOU谅解备忘录泰国政府与外国政府签订的协议,
  • 禁止劳务经营承包业务的雇主引进外籍劳务。

  • 引进外籍劳务(MOU)的好处

    个人身份证件资料齐全完整, 比其他雇佣系统更容易操作





    2024 年 10 月泰国目前的外籍劳务人数



    (Number of People)



    Cabinet Resolution

    (Number of People)




    (Number of People)



    Total number

    (Number of People)



  • 无正当理由而被解雇,如雇主流动资金不足、裁员等。
  • 雇主死亡,倒闭。
  • 雇主伤害/虐待劳务。
  • 雇主不支付工资或不遵守雇佣合约。
  • 让劳务在危及生命或健康的条件下工作。
  • 外籍劳务必须在30 天内申请在新雇主工作的许可


    Announcement of the Department of Employment
    - Announcement of the Department of Employment regarding the notification form for the extension of the working period under Section 62 of the Foreigners' Employment Management Act B.E. 2017 and its amendment
    - Determine the place to notify the coming to work which is urgent and has a working period of not more than 15 day
    - Deadline for applying for a work permit and nationality verification for foreigners fleeing the country of Myanmar , Laos and Cambodia. According to the Cabinet resolution on June 12, 2012
    - Determine the time and place to receive the request letter for foreign workers. According to the Cabinet resolution on January 15, 2013
    - Determine the time and place to receive the request letter for foreign workers. According to the resolution of the Cabinet dated 15 January 2013 (No.2)
    - Determine the time and place to receive the request letter for foreign workers. According to the Cabinet Resolution on January 15, 2013 (No.3)
    - Extending the period for obtaining work permits for foreigners fleeing Myanmar, Laos and Cambodian nationality according
    to the cabinet resolution on August 6, 2013
    - Organizing foreign workers according to the Announcement of the National Council for Peace and Order
    - Announcement of the Department of Employment Regarding activities that do not fall within the scope of work under the Working of Alien Act B.E. 2008
    - Receiving a report for registration of history and obtain a work permit for foreigners of Myanmar nationality Laos and Cambodia in the sea fishing business
    Regulations of the Department of Employment
    - Regulations of the Department of Employment Regarding the criteria for considering the allocation of the number of employment of foreign workers, B.E.2016
    - Regulations of the Department of Employment Regarding the criteria for considering the allocation of the
    number of employment of foreign workers (Version 2)B.E.2016
    - Regulations of the Department of Employment on criteria for consideration Work Permit for Aliens (Version 3) B.E. 2015
    - Regulations of the Department of Employment on determining the completion period of consideration for alien work permits, B.E. 2014
    - Regulations of the Department of Employment on Criteria for Consideration of Foreign Work Permits (Version 2) B.E. 2014
    - Regulations of the Department of Employment on Criteria for Considering Work Permits for Aliens B.E. 2009
    - Regulations of the Department of Employment on Criteria for Allocation of Numbers and Consideration of Work Permit for
    Foreigners of Myanmar, Laos and Cambodian Nationality, B.E. 2005
    - Regulations of the Department of Employment on Criteria for Considering Work Permits for Aliens, B.E. 2004
    - Regulations of the Department of Employment on Receiving Notifications of Necessary and Urgent Jobs, B.E. 2003
    - Regulations of the Department of Employment on Receiving Notifications of Necessary and Urgent Jobs, (version 3) B.E. 2003
    - Regulations of the Department of Employment on Criteria and Conditions for Consideration of Work Permits for Aliens (version 2) B.E. 2002
    - Regulations of the Department of Employment Regarding the criteria and conditions for considering work permits for aliens, B.E. 2002
    - Regulations of the Department of Employment Regarding the criteria for consideration of requests Working Permit for Aliens (version 3) B.E.1999
    - Regulations of the Department of Employment Regarding the criteria for consideration of requests Work Permit for Aliens (version 2) B.E.1998
    Ministerial Regulations
    - Exemption of work fees for foreigners B.E. 2016
    - Exemption of work fees for foreigners who are victims of trafficking in persons or witnesses of crimes under the Anti-Human Trafficking Act B.E. 2008, B.E. 2017
    - Regarding obtaining a license Licensing And Notification of Alien Work (No. 2) B.E. 2017
    - Regarding obtaining a license Licensing and notification of the work of aliens, 2011
    - Set fees and waive working fees for aliens B.E. 2015
    - Determine the period of deduction of wages. To be remitted to the Fund for the Repatriation of Aliens out of the Kingdom B.E. 2015
    - Exemption of work fees for aliens who are victims of human trafficking offenses, B.E. 2013
    - Determine the prohibited characteristics of aliens. which will apply for a work permit B.E. 2009
    - Ministerial Regulations on Working Fees and Employment of Aliens B.E.2009
    - Ministerial Regulations, No. 10 (B.E. 2004), issued under the provisions of the Working of Aliens Act, B.E. 1978
    - Ministerial Regulations No. 9 (B.E. 2011) issued under the provisions of the Working of Aliens Act B.E. 1978
    - Ministerial Regulations No. 8 (B.E. 1999) issued under the Working of Aliens Act B.E. 1978
    - Ministerial Regulations, No. 7 (B.E. 1996) issued under the provisions of the Working of Aliens Act, B.E. 1978
    - Ministerial Regulation No. 6 (B.E. 1993) issued under the Working of Aliens Act B.E. 1978
    - Ministerial Regulation No. 5 (B.E. 1987) issued under the provisions of the Working of Aliens Act, B.E. 1978
    - Ministerial Regulations, No. 4 (B.E. 1986) issued under the provisions of the Working of Aliens Act, B.E. 1978
    - Ministerial Regulations, No. 3 (B.E. 1984) issued under the provisions of the Working of Aliens Act, B.E. 1978
    - Ministerial Regulation No. 2 (B.E. 1979) issued under the provisions of the Working of Aliens Act B.E. 1978
    - Ministerial Regulations (B.E. 1979) issued under the Working of Aliens Act B.E. 1978
    - Ministerial Regulations Prescribing Working Fees for Aliens, B.E. 2002
    - Ministerial Regulations Prescribing Working Fees for Aliens,(No.2) B.E. 2004

