Mou or Memorandum of Understanding とは「覚え書き」で、これは2人以上の個人または法人が協力する意図を表現する文章の形式です。指定された条件を喜んで遵守する。拘束力のある契約とは見なされずに、大局的に一緒に計画された活動とされ、(non-legally binding agreement)従わない場合には強制条件はありません。これは、MOUで指定された内容を遵守するという署名者の揺るぎない意志の表明にすぎません。通常、範囲が限られている、または永続的ではない契約に使用され、しばしば「理解と協力の覚書」と呼ばれます。それは共同支援のもとで、リソース、知識、人材の支援をする証とされます。

  • 労働協力覚え書き(MOU)及び労働雇用協定(Agreement) タイ・ミャンマー
  • 外国人が行うことを禁止されているタスクを定義します
  • 覚書に基づき、契約労働事業を運営する雇用主が外国人を職場に連れてくることを
  • 禁止する原則、 またはタイ政府が外国政府と締結した覚書(MOU)

  • MOUグループ派遣のメリット







    (Number of People)



    Cabinet Resolution

    (Number of People)

    200万 30万



    (Number of People)



    Total number

    (Number of People)

    300万 30万


  • 流動性の欠如、人員削減などの正当な理由なしに解雇された
  • 雇用主が死亡し、廃業
  • 雇用主が従業員を暴行・虐待
  • 雇用主が賃金を支払わないか、雇用契約を遵守しない
  • 従業員に生命や衛生に危険な状況で働かせている
  • なお、外国人労働者は、前の雇用主のもとを辞めてから15日以内に新しい雇用主と一緒に働く許可を申請する必要があります。


    Announcement of the Department of Employment
    - Announcement of the Department of Employment regarding the notification form for the extension of the working period under Section 62 of the Foreigners' Employment Management Act B.E. 2017 and its amendment
    - Determine the place to notify the coming to work which is urgent and has a working period of not more than 15 day
    - Deadline for applying for a work permit and nationality verification for foreigners fleeing the country of Myanmar , Laos and Cambodia. According to the Cabinet resolution on June 12, 2012
    - Determine the time and place to receive the request letter for foreign workers. According to the Cabinet resolution on January 15, 2013
    - Determine the time and place to receive the request letter for foreign workers. According to the resolution of the Cabinet dated 15 January 2013 (No.2)
    - Determine the time and place to receive the request letter for foreign workers. According to the Cabinet Resolution on January 15, 2013 (No.3)
    - Extending the period for obtaining work permits for foreigners fleeing Myanmar, Laos and Cambodian nationality according
    to the cabinet resolution on August 6, 2013
    - Organizing foreign workers according to the Announcement of the National Council for Peace and Order
    - Announcement of the Department of Employment Regarding activities that do not fall within the scope of work under the Working of Alien Act B.E. 2008
    - Receiving a report for registration of history and obtain a work permit for foreigners of Myanmar nationality Laos and Cambodia in the sea fishing business
    Regulations of the Department of Employment
    - Regulations of the Department of Employment Regarding the criteria for considering the allocation of the number of employment of foreign workers, B.E.2016
    - Regulations of the Department of Employment Regarding the criteria for considering the allocation of the
    number of employment of foreign workers (Version 2)B.E.2016
    - Regulations of the Department of Employment on criteria for consideration Work Permit for Aliens (Version 3) B.E. 2015
    - Regulations of the Department of Employment on determining the completion period of consideration for alien work permits, B.E. 2014
    - Regulations of the Department of Employment on Criteria for Consideration of Foreign Work Permits (Version 2) B.E. 2014
    - Regulations of the Department of Employment on Criteria for Considering Work Permits for Aliens B.E. 2009
    - Regulations of the Department of Employment on Criteria for Allocation of Numbers and Consideration of Work Permit for
    Foreigners of Myanmar, Laos and Cambodian Nationality, B.E. 2005
    - Regulations of the Department of Employment on Criteria for Considering Work Permits for Aliens, B.E. 2004
    - Regulations of the Department of Employment on Receiving Notifications of Necessary and Urgent Jobs, B.E. 2003
    - Regulations of the Department of Employment on Receiving Notifications of Necessary and Urgent Jobs, (version 3) B.E. 2003
    - Regulations of the Department of Employment on Criteria and Conditions for Consideration of Work Permits for Aliens (version 2) B.E. 2002
    - Regulations of the Department of Employment Regarding the criteria and conditions for considering work permits for aliens, B.E. 2002
    - Regulations of the Department of Employment Regarding the criteria for consideration of requests Working Permit for Aliens (version 3) B.E.1999
    - Regulations of the Department of Employment Regarding the criteria for consideration of requests Work Permit for Aliens (version 2) B.E.1998
    Ministerial Regulations
    - Exemption of work fees for foreigners B.E. 2016
    - Exemption of work fees for foreigners who are victims of trafficking in persons or witnesses of crimes under the Anti-Human Trafficking Act B.E. 2008, B.E. 2017
    - Regarding obtaining a license Licensing And Notification of Alien Work (No. 2) B.E. 2017
    - Regarding obtaining a license Licensing and notification of the work of aliens, 2011
    - Set fees and waive working fees for aliens B.E. 2015
    - Determine the period of deduction of wages. To be remitted to the Fund for the Repatriation of Aliens out of the Kingdom B.E. 2015
    - Exemption of work fees for aliens who are victims of human trafficking offenses, B.E. 2013
    - Determine the prohibited characteristics of aliens. which will apply for a work permit B.E. 2009
    - Ministerial Regulations on Working Fees and Employment of Aliens B.E.2009
    - Ministerial Regulations, No. 10 (B.E. 2004), issued under the provisions of the Working of Aliens Act, B.E. 1978
    - Ministerial Regulations No. 9 (B.E. 2011) issued under the provisions of the Working of Aliens Act B.E. 1978
    - Ministerial Regulations No. 8 (B.E. 1999) issued under the Working of Aliens Act B.E. 1978
    - Ministerial Regulations, No. 7 (B.E. 1996) issued under the provisions of the Working of Aliens Act, B.E. 1978
    - Ministerial Regulation No. 6 (B.E. 1993) issued under the Working of Aliens Act B.E. 1978
    - Ministerial Regulation No. 5 (B.E. 1987) issued under the provisions of the Working of Aliens Act, B.E. 1978
    - Ministerial Regulations, No. 4 (B.E. 1986) issued under the provisions of the Working of Aliens Act, B.E. 1978
    - Ministerial Regulations, No. 3 (B.E. 1984) issued under the provisions of the Working of Aliens Act, B.E. 1978
    - Ministerial Regulation No. 2 (B.E. 1979) issued under the provisions of the Working of Aliens Act B.E. 1978
    - Ministerial Regulations (B.E. 1979) issued under the Working of Aliens Act B.E. 1978
    - Ministerial Regulations Prescribing Working Fees for Aliens, B.E. 2002
    - Ministerial Regulations Prescribing Working Fees for Aliens,(No.2) B.E. 2004

